Q: What is the status of my order?
A: Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm you the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it).
Q: Will I pay taxes for international shipping?
A: Deliveries in Europe will have to pay custom taxes.
Our delivery partner will handle the clearance and will invoice you in local currency for the duties and taxes linked to your order.
Is there a warranty?
A: We guarantee any of our product made by us and sold through our online store to be free of defect. We would gladly accept any return or exchange request resulting from a defective item granted they respect the following conditions:
1: The item must have been sold on our online store.
2: The item shouldn't have been used in any way.
3: The return or exchange request is made within 30 days of delivery.